Theme Colors Manipulation
Arbitrary Color Values
Usually, TextMate themes would expect the color values of each token to be a valid hex color value, the limitation is inherit from vscode-textmate
. Since Shikiji v0.9.15, we introduced an automatic workaround by replacing non-hex color values with a placeholder and replacing them back on tokenization. This would allows you to use themes with arbitrary color values for the rendering without worrying about the technical details:
import { getHighlighter } from 'shikiji'
const highlighter = await getHighlighter({
langs: ['javascript'],
themes: [
name: 'my-theme',
settings: [
scope: ['comment'],
settings: {
// use `rgb`, `hsl`, `hsla`,
// or any anything supported by your renderer
foreground: 'rgb(128, 128, 128)'
scope: ['string'],
settings: {
foreground: 'var(--code-string)' // CSS variable
// ...more
// Background and foreground colors
bg: 'var(--code-bg)',
fg: 'var(--code-fg)'
const html = highlighter.codeToHtml('const foo = "bar"', { lang: 'javascript', theme: 'my-theme' })
Use this with caution as this will diverge from the TextMate theme compatibility.
This may make the theme incompatible with non-web usage like shikiji-cli
and shikiji-monaco
Learn more about how to load themes.
Color Replacements
You can also use the colorReplacements
option to replace the color values of the theme. This is useful when you want to use a theme with a different color palette. It can be provided on both the theme object and the codeToHast
CSS Variables Theme
This feature is experimental and may change without following semver.
Shikiji provides a factory function helper createCssVariablesTheme
to for creating a theme that uses CSS variables easier. Note that this theme is a lot less granular than most of the other themes and requires to define the CSS variables in your app. This is provided for easier migration from Shiki's css-variables theme
. For better highlighting result, we recommend construct the theme manually with Arbitrary Color Values or use Color Replacements to override existing theme.
This theme is not included by default and requires to be registered explicitly:
import { createCssVariablesTheme, getHighlighter } from 'shikiji'
// Create a custom CSS variables theme, the following are the default values
const myTheme = createCssVariablesTheme({
name: 'css-variables',
variablePrefix: '--shiki-',
variableDefaults: {},
fontStyle: true
const highlighter = await getHighlighter({
langs: ['javascript'],
themes: [myTheme] // register the theme
const html = highlighter.codeToHtml('const foo = "bar"', {
lang: 'javascript',
theme: 'css-variables' // use the theme
CSS variables example:
:root {
--shiki-foreground: #eeeeee;
--shiki-background: #333333;
--shiki-token-constant: #660000;
--shiki-token-string: #770000;
--shiki-token-comment: #880000;
--shiki-token-keyword: #990000;
--shiki-token-parameter: #aa0000;
--shiki-token-function: #bb0000;
--shiki-token-string-expression: #cc0000;
--shiki-token-punctuation: #dd0000;
--shiki-token-link: #ee0000;
/* Only required if using lang: 'ansi' */
--shiki-ansi-black: #000000;
--shiki-ansi-black-dim: #00000080;
--shiki-ansi-red: #bb0000;
--shiki-ansi-red-dim: #bb000080;
--shiki-ansi-green: #00bb00;
--shiki-ansi-green-dim: #00bb0080;
--shiki-ansi-yellow: #bbbb00;
--shiki-ansi-yellow-dim: #bbbb0080;
--shiki-ansi-blue: #0000bb;
--shiki-ansi-blue-dim: #0000bb80;
--shiki-ansi-magenta: #ff00ff;
--shiki-ansi-magenta-dim: #ff00ff80;
--shiki-ansi-cyan: #00bbbb;
--shiki-ansi-cyan-dim: #00bbbb80;
--shiki-ansi-white: #eeeeee;
--shiki-ansi-white-dim: #eeeeee80;
--shiki-ansi-bright-black: #555555;
--shiki-ansi-bright-black-dim: #55555580;
--shiki-ansi-bright-red: #ff5555;
--shiki-ansi-bright-red-dim: #ff555580;
--shiki-ansi-bright-green: #00ff00;
--shiki-ansi-bright-green-dim: #00ff0080;
--shiki-ansi-bright-yellow: #ffff55;
--shiki-ansi-bright-yellow-dim: #ffff5580;
--shiki-ansi-bright-blue: #5555ff;
--shiki-ansi-bright-blue-dim: #5555ff80;
--shiki-ansi-bright-magenta: #ff55ff;
--shiki-ansi-bright-magenta-dim: #ff55ff80;
--shiki-ansi-bright-cyan: #55ffff;
--shiki-ansi-bright-cyan-dim: #55ffff80;
--shiki-ansi-bright-white: #ffffff;
--shiki-ansi-bright-white-dim: #ffffff80;
If you are migrating form Shiki, some variables are renamed from Shiki's css-variables
Shiki | Shikiji |
--shiki-color-text | --shiki-foreground |
--shiki-color-background | --shiki-background |
--shiki-color-ansi-* | --shiki-ansi-* |