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Compatibility Build

We took the chance of the rewrite to make some breaking changes that we think are beneficial for the future. We'd suggest you try to migrate those changes if possible, as most of them should be straightforward. If you have very deep integration, you can try our compatibility build which aligns better with shiki's current API.

Install shikiji-compat

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Set the alias to shiki in your package.json:

  "dependencies": {
    "shiki": "npm:shikiji-compat@0.9"

Breaking Changes from Shiki

Compare to shiki@0.14.3, the breaking changes between Shiki and Shikiji are:

Hard Breaking Changes

Breaking changes applied to both shikiji and shikiji-compat:

  • CJS and IIFE builds are dropped. See CJS Usage and CDN Usage for more details.
  • codeToHtml uses hast internally. The generated HTML will be a bit different but should behave the same.
  • css-variables theme is not supported. Use the dual themes approach instead, or learn more at the Theme Colors Manipulation.

Soft Breaking Changes

Breaking changes applies to shikiji, but are shimmed by shikiji-compat:

  • Top-level named export setCDN, loadLanguage, loadTheme, setWasm are dropped as they are not needed anymore.
  • BUNDLED_LANGUAGES, BUNDLED_THEMES are moved to shikiji/langs and shikiji/themes and renamed to bundledLanguages and bundledThemes respectively.
  • theme option for getHighlighter is dropped, use themes with an array instead.
  • Highlighter does not maintain an internal default theme context. theme option is required for codeToHtml and codeToThemedTokens.
  • codeToThemedTokens set includeExplanation to false by default.
  • .ansiToHtml is merged into .codeToHtml as a special language ansi. Use .codeToHtml(code, { lang: 'ansi' }) instead.
  • lineOptions is dropped in favor of the fully customizable transforms option.
  • LanguageRegistration's grammar field is flattened to LanguageRegistration itself, refer to the types for more details.

Released under the MIT License.